Juli’s McGriddle Post

My warped friend, Juli, wrote a fabulous McGriddle post for moi. I thought she was perfect before she penned it. What’s above perfection? Well, I would say that’s “goddess in the clouds” status. So, Juli, I herby give you the title of McGriddle Goddess and thank you from the bottom of my heart for making it worthwhile to peel myself off the heat-reflecting hospital bed this afternoon.

Here is Juli’s tasty post: http://lifeloveand65roses.blogspot.com/2010/09/my-apologies-to-mcgriddle-sort-of.html

1 thought on “Juli’s McGriddle Post

  1. Ahhh you make me blush. No, seriously. 🙂 Glad to see that you’re gathering strength….

    dont harm the iPad…we love hearing from you and need updates. However, if you must, and if it works anything like the iPhone, I could fix a cracked screen for you, just dont break it all the way in half. No COD’s please 🙂

    Hope to hear you’re on the outside soon. Go kick some bacterial ass.

    Much love ~j

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